Thursday, February 17, 2022


 One of the perks of being an only child is that my mother kept quite a few of my toys.  I am so glad she did.

Sometime in the 1950's, probably about 1956, Daddy bought me a Märklin train set.  Although it stopped working many years ago, my mother held onto it.  In case you are unfamiliar with Märklin, it's a German toy company founded in 1859 that made model trains. In fact it is considered the premier manufacturer of high end train sets.  I don't know if my mother thought it would be valuable or if she just kept it for sentimental reasons.  I have dutifully moved it around for the last 40 years since she 'gifted' it to me.  We never researched what it would take to get it working again although we raised 3 boys.

I had a sudden inspiration that son-in-law Mark would be the perfect person to figure out what to do with this train set.  He enjoys refurbishing antiques and is willing to put the time and money into necessary research. 
I was so right.  He took the train set and the huge transformer back to West Virginia.  Within a few days, he had learned that the old transformers are a fire risk and had ordered a new one.  Plus he found a great deal on another set and bought that too, so that Jackson now has a figure 8 track and 2 trains!
Somehow I imagine my Daddy up in heaven watching his only grandson playing with that train.  I am sure he is smiling down with joy.  Thanks so much Mark. 

Another treasure from the 1950's is my doll house.  Anyone else find it disquieting that toys you played with are considered antiques???  Anyway, Isabella absolutely loves it. In fact when she left our house last week she said, "Grandma, I am going to miss you and the doll house."  When I asked her which one she would miss more, she didn't hesitate, "The dollhouse".
She is totally entertained with the little people and all the furniture. 
I distinctly remember how much I loved the modern ranch style house, complete with a fish pond on the patio.
Although I had quite a bit of furniture, I starting looking on line to see if I could buy more.  Who knew that 1950's plastic doll house furniture was available on E-bay?  Now we have a veritable furniture store.
If you are around my age you probably remember the big furniture like TVs.  Anyone have a TV that also had a record player?  I am sure that was the height of chic!  

I am glad my mother wasn't a minimalist or a follower of Marie Kondo!  I love sharing these treasures with my own 'treasures' - Jackson and Isabella.

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