Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Graduation Kristen!

Our Ward only has one girl graduating from High School this year but what a girl she is! As you can easily see she is absolutely beautiful! She and her date were the Prom Queen and King this year.

Her external beauty is only a part of her. She treats everyone, old and young, with kindness and concern. Everyone is her friend because she is just so nice! And she is crazy fun too!

Her music talents are amazing. She has perfect pitch so she sings like an angel. We don't get to hear her sing as often as we'd like to because she is usually playing the piano accompanying a soloist or the ward choir. She also plays the guitar beautifully. Her Mom bought her a plaque that says, "Music isn't what I do, it's who I am". Very appropriate!

Other words I could use to describe Kristen are sensitive and spiritual and adventurous and daring and full of life. A few times when I've been feeling kind of 'down' she has noticed and asked me if I were ok. Her comments in class and the lessons and talks she gives show a spiritual maturity beyond her years. She is a also a wild and crazy snowboarder. I'd give her an award for 'most versatile' or 'best all around'!

We'll miss her very much. Her new Ward will be lucky to have her!

Love you Kristen!

1 comment:

  1. Fun to read about our great YW! You are a wonderful Pres!
