Thursday, October 17, 2013

Tokyo #8 Cup of Noodles Museum

Did you know that the college kid staple 'Top Ramen' and the backpackers favorite "Cup of Noodles" were invented by the same Japanese man?  Momofuku Ando came up with the idea for Top Ramen in 1958 and Cup of Noodles in 1971.

In a little shed behind his home Momofuku started work on an invention for quickly making ramen at home by just adding hot water.  His problem was figuring out how to cook and then dry the noodles. He worked alone sleeping only 4 hours a night and without a day off for an entire year.  Finally while watching his wife deep fry something he decided to try deep fat frying the noodles after they were cooked and it worked. I didn't know that the noodles were first deep fat fried. That explains the fat content of Top Ramen.  The product was dubbed 'magic ramen' and became an instant sensation in Japan.

When he decided to break into the US market he realized that eating noodles in a bowl with chopsticks was not going to cut it!  During a fact finding tip to America Momofuku observed a supermarket manager breaking up Chicken Ramen noodles, putting them in a cup and pouring in hot water and then eating with a fork. He realized that moving past conceptions about how we eat was the key to making instant ramen a global food. And that is what they have become....a global phenomenon.

The Cup of Noodles factory in the museum was controlled chaos with lots of school children on field trips.  The noise level was pretty high....but I had so much fun!

First take a plain 'cup of noodles' cup
 Watch the dried noodles come down the conveyor belt and put the cup upside down on a bundle of dried noodles.

 Now choose your favorite soup mix and favorite little dried ingredients.  Luckily there were illustrations on each selection so you could decide if you wanted the fish or the pig or the chicken!
 Put on the shrink wrap
 Seal it in the machine and you have your own custom made 'Cup of Noodles'!
 Some of Momofuku's advice is worth noting - There is no such thing as 'too late' in life.  Failure does not provide us with the key to success.  The entrepreneurial spirit means creating something from nothing.  Be meticulous, yet bold.  Tenacity is the breeding ground for inspiration.  Think, think and think again.  Initiate the change instead of following the changing. There is always something beyond you to aim for.  Do what others will not.  Turn work into play.  Don't come up with excuses if you fail.  The origin of every activity of humankind is related to food.

Following his own advice, Mr. Momofuku kept inventing until he was 95 years old.  His last invention was Space Ramen, which can be eaten in a weightless environment.

Very fun and interesting morning and something I had never planned to do!  Often while traveling those unexpected experiences are the best!  

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