Saturday, November 12, 2016

Gratitude #7 - My Seminary Kids

Even though I haven't been their seminary teacher in 9 months they are still 'my kids'.  Tonight I got to see several of them perform in the high school production of "The Sound of Music".  What a fun night!
There was Henry who was a great Kurt Von Trapp  Bryan who was a very convincing Admiral von Schreiber, the Nazi admiral who tried to bring Captain Von Trapp into the navy of the 3rd Reich.  And Michael who looked like he was really enjoying himself playing Baron Elberfeld.  These kids displayed a amazing amount of talent.  The production was very professional and I just loved seeing them perform.
I love that they still come up and hug me whenever they see me....and that I get text messages occasionally from one of my kids.

I especially loved getting this in an email from a former student who is serving a mission in Poland.  The seminary program of the LDS church is truly inspired and I'm sharing this not to praise myself but to praise the program!  Oh and as a reminder that the scriptures and the Holy Spirit really truly are guides and a helpers in our lives!

Sister Lewis shout-out: 
This week in one of our lessons, our investigator had a difficult question pertaining to the Plan of Salvation. She wanted instant biblical proof of her question. *a full minute passed trying to find a verse*. When we were desperate for SOMETHING to say...some verse to read...I said a quick prayer...and then all of a sudden 2 scripture mastery scriptures popped in my head--they were JUST what she needed! I'm so grateful for Sister Lewis and her loving pressure for us to learn all these in high school!! They saved me this week. They answered her questions! Learn them, learn them, learn them!!

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