Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Not so Grateful #12 - Floods

On Monday Matt and Scott went home to our house in Eagle to find 4 - 6 inches of standing water in our basement.  Not good!
Seems the hot water heater in the storage room had broken and water flooded our basement.  Of course we had cardboard boxes on the floor in the storage room.
Lots of STUFF in those boxes.  Most of it isn't that important but John's mission scrapbooks were soaked.  I am so sad about that.
Matt and Scott's bedrooms are down this hall way.  A lot of their treasures were on the floor.  I'm not sure what all was destroyed!  I do know that Matt is trying to dry out his comic book collection.  Their bathroom also had extensive damage.
I'm not sad about getting new carpets but I'm not looking forward to all the work involved in such a disaster.
Matt and Scott have been wonderful taking care of things until George and I can get over there.  I am trying to remind myself that it is all just 'stuff' and can be replaced.  This scripture comes to mind:

Matthew 6:19-20 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust (and mold and water) doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal.

My real treasures are safe and planning to come to Portland again for Christmas!  For that I am grateful...oh and for insurance!!!!

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